101 Percent HR

Personnel marketing
How can you fill young people with enthusiasm for your company? Which communications channels do you use to specifically address talented youngsters or prospective apprentices?

We develop creative strategies beyond the ordinary and put them into practice in a well-directed way. As a “one stop shop” we cover the whole range of personnel marketing and combine individual measures to form effective campaigns:

  • print and online advertisements
  • online and e-mail marketing
  • microsites
  • conversational marketing
  • particular recruiting events and roadshows
  • appearances at trade fairs

Application tracking systems
As independent consultants we assist you with the selection and implementation of application tracking systems. We have a profound knowledge of the market for these systems and we are extremely well acquainted with human resources and IT processes, thus we can implement the application tracking system that suits you best. We assist you with and advise you on:
  • the strategic decision for employing an IT solution and its effect on personnel processes
  • the selection of suitable suppliers – from program specifications to the final selection
  • the implementation in the project management and the direction of the initial support, the roll-out process and the change management

101 Percent HR

Executive Search
Few but very suitable hand-picked applicants

Search by job advertisement
Screening many candidates

Letter box
Rough screening of mass applications

Process: Five steps to reach your goal

Human resources consultancy and personnel development

Personnel marketing and application tracking systems

About us


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